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A strong voice advocating for more than 11 million Australians who have over $1.5 trillion in retirement savings managed by profit-to-member superannuation funds.

The Super Members Council (SMC) will protect and advance their interests throughout their lives, advocating on their behalf to ensure superannuation policy is stable, effective, and equitable. We produce rigorous research and analysis and work with Parliamentarians and policy makers across the full breadth of Parliament.

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Securing Australia’s super-powered future

Join CEDA and SMC for the first major address by SMC CEO, Misha Schubert, where she will tell the story of Australia’s super system transforming our economic and social fortunes and the threat that short-term policy thinking could have on 30 years of success. Misha will be joined by a panel of industry stakeholders as we explore the future of super.

At the event, you will also have the opportunity to network senior leaders from Australia’s influential super and business sectors.

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Trustee Director Courses: Level 1 and 2

Good governance has always been at the core of the profit-to-member fund ethos, a fact recognised by thousands of Australians who choose to invest their super with profit-to-member funds.

SMC’s Trustee Director Courses are designed for current and aspiring superannuation trustee directors and the content is informed by our knowledge of APRA, ASIC and AUSTRAC governance requirements.

The courses enable participants to be on top of the latest and leading approaches to good governance to enable excellence in the oversight of the retirement savings of working Australians. Entry level, advanced, board training programs, and customised courses are all available.

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